A blogger decides an inspiring message, “Nobody Tells This to Beginners…” needs a more permanent shelf life.
The Black Iguana – ONLY on Roatan
Genny Ross-Barons tracks the Black Iguana on the Caribbean island of Roatan, the only place in the world you can find these fascinating creatures.
“You’re Not So Ugly” – My Korean Homestay Students
As a “homestay father” Ross Lonergan has been hosting international students in his home since 1993. In this article he shares some memories of a special group of students who lived with him in the 1990s.
Does Our Education System Put the “Brain in a Cage”?
In an inspiring video lecture on TED.com called “The Power of Mindsight”, Dr. Daniel J. Siegel, author of the book Mindsight, explains his brilliant vision for completely revamping the way we educate our youth. His solution: “Inspire to rewire.”
Where Our Electronics Go to Die, There’s No Rest in Peace
Where do your old computers and other electronic gadgets go to die? You might be surprised at the devastation being caused by a so-called clean technology as this award-winning documentary by UBC students and their professor reveals.
The Antidote to Bullying
With the trial of the Hadley Six – six teens accused of driving their classmate Phoebe Prince to suicide in South Hadley, Massachusetts – underway, it’s inspiring to read about a similar incident that has since led to a worldwide peaceful schools movement.
Classroom Cleaning
A teacher sets about cleaning his classroom before the summer session begins and discovers lots of dust, reminders of how much the tools of teaching have changed over the years, and the awareness that in the classroom or int he home, clutter is still clutter.
Let’s Rock Their World! – Guest Post by David Wish
The United States’ largest teacher-led, educational reform movement in music education has been unleashed. David Wish, founder and executive director of Little Kids Rock, talks about the exciting benefits of the “Fifth Stream” of music education in US public schools. Will kids actually get to study at school what they listen to at home?
My Perfect Graduation Ceremony
Graduation? I didn’t understand what the big deal was! Why would I waste a whole day in stuffy high school gym getting bored with the long speeches?
The Challenges and Acceptance of Raising a Child with a Learning Disability
When my oldest son entered kindergarten, strangers could understand only 15-25% of his speech. He had already been in speech therapy upwards of three times a week for several years. He was diagnosed with Apraxia when he was three years old.