There are many positive and supportive ways to incorporate wellness into your daily life while coping with the stress of a loved one’s illness.
Parasites, Our Uninvited Guests
No one wants to talk about them, no one wants to think about them, and we certainly don’t want to know that they’re inside all of us, but the truth is we all have parasites to some degree.
Understanding Celiac Disease
Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder affecting approximately 1 in 133 people in Canada. It occurs when the body is unable to break down and use a protein called gluten. When gluten cannot be used by the body, it stays in the small intestine and begins to damage the absorptive surface, resulting in an inability […]
How To Cope With Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Irritable bowel syndrome can be managed by diet, lifestyle changes, and natural supplementation.
The Bottom Line about Your Bottom’s Health – Fibre for Colorectal Cancer Prevention
Colorectal cancer is highly treatable if detected early, and fiber can be a key to prevention.
Lower Cholesterol Naturally
Author Caroline Farquhar (R.H.N., B.A.) explains how we can use natural methods to lower cholesterol – such as diet, losing weight, and exercise. This avoids the side effects associated with the use of drugs which treat high cholesterol.