When many of us think about incurable diseases, conditions like cancer and muscular dystrophy may come to mind. However, the reality is that most incurable and chronic diseases are those that are typically more common, like diabetes and obesity, and many of these issues take hold in our lives when we are children.
If you have young kids, then this is the time to prioritize their health. To help, we have created this guide that discusses your role as parents, common chronic diseases to be aware of, and the preventive care you can try today.
The Parent’s Role in Protecting Their Children
As a parent, you know that your primary role in life is to protect the health of your children. In addition to ensuring that they don’t cross the street without looking and informing them to never speak to strangers, you’re also ready to focus on their internal health and consider all of the potential illnesses that can take hold at a young age.
Keep in mind that about 45% of the population has a chronic condition, so it is not hard to see that your child could also be included. Remember, once chronic conditions take hold, they may be around forever, so you must not hesitate to take action.
While we will talk about taking your kids to their regular doctor and dentist visits, it is also important that you set a good example around the house, so your kids have a better chance of avoiding a chronic health condition. That means cooking and providing healthy meals that are filling but not filled with trans-fats. You should also avoid smoking and excessive drinking, so your children don’t learn those bad habits and develop chronic conditions like heart disease and stroke.
Practicing positive behaviors goes for mental health as well. If you are stressed all of the time, then that nervousness and anxiety can transfer to your children. It is also a good idea to limit the amount of television and screen time that your children experience each day because failure to experience the outside world isn’t healthy for their development. Excessive screen time can also affect their sleep, and they need their rest to help their immune systems grow stronger.
Catch the Warning Signs
While leading by example is an important part of the equation, so is taking the steps to catch the warning signs so a chronic condition can be avoided or managed and doesn’t cause excessive harm. A big part of this is ensuring that your kids go to all of their doctor visits, including the dentist. While avoiding cavities is important, poor oral health can lead to dangerous chronic conditions, including heart disease and diabetes, so going twice a year is essential to ensure that your kids stay healthy.
You can also learn a lot by taking the kids to their annual eye appointments. Most eye-related illnesses start to occur as we get older, but that doesn’t mean you may not find an issue when the kids are younger. Issues like macular degeneration are a very real threat and not something to be taken lightly. Plus, a doctor can sometimes see the signs of more common conditions like diabetes and Lyme disease through eye exams.
It is also important to look at your genetics and determine if certain chronic conditions are common in your family tree. If they are, then you need to watch for the warning signs of those particular diseases. For example, signs of diabetes in children include darkened areas of skin, fatigue, increased hunger and thirst, and slow-healing injuries. If your kids show more than a few of the symptoms, then bring them to the doctor so you can get them on a treatment plan.
Managing Common Chronic Conditions
If you do discover that your child has a chronic condition or they are showing some of the symptoms, then it is important to learn how to manage the situation. For instance, if you do learn that your child has diabetes, then you can keep their symptoms contained by taking part in a Diabetes Medical Management Plan and recognizing the signs of when they have high or low blood sugar levels. Children should also be taught how to use their own monitoring devices so they can take immediate action when necessary.
Another common chronic condition that we don’t often think about is asthma, which can make it very difficult for your child to breathe. If your doctor finds that your child has asthma, then you need to identify their triggers, which might include allergens and viral infections. Also, ensure that they get their yearly flu vaccine because kids with asthma often have more severe flare-ups.
Finally, another chronic condition that can be deadly if not properly managed is food allergies. There is no cure for allergies, so parents need to get an allergy test and learn what foods or natural irritants may cause a negative reaction. Also, inform the administrators at their school so that they can avoid serving certain foods or spring into action if a reaction does occur.
There are many ways that parents can prevent the rise of chronic conditions, especially in their own homes. Consider the tips and advice presented here, and you can help to ensure that your children have a healthy life.
Photo Credit
Photo by Vivek Kumar on Unsplash
Guest Author Bio
Jori Hamilton
Jori Hamilton is a writer and journalist from the Pacific Northwest who covers social justice issues, healthcare, and politics. You can follow her work on twitter @HamiltonJori, and through her portfolio at Writer Jori Hamilton.
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