My sister believes in cards, God love her! Even though we are at opposite ends of the country, we talk often, and if I’ve told her I’m not feeling well, sure as heck a card will show up, and it’s lovely. Sometimes she’ll include a little gift that can fit right into the card, such as a bookmark or an article she knows I’ll enjoy.
The card that arrived this week had such a wee token, sent because she knew it would make me laugh. It was mounted on a business card and self-proclaimed as a “Belly Button Lint Brush”. She was right. It made me laugh. It was this tiny bit of pipe cleaner looped around and joined to a “handle” the size of the plastic cap on your shoelace.
So what does one do with such a gift? It sat with the card on display for awhile, and normally would have ended up in a drawer, or sent along to someone else, but thankfully I’m a writer, and because I’m a writer, it became one of the most useful things in my home. Nice try, but no, not because writers sit and stare at their navels. But you’re close!
We procrastinate. Our minds wander. We suddenly notice things, like dust on a lamp, or a clock that needs a new battery. This day, I noticed how very dirty my keyboard was. Not just the parts around where my fingers don’t touch, but in between the keys. Like dust balls, and dust curly-cues, and other fuzzy stuff. Suddenly, in the manner of all great procrastinators, er…I mean writers, something had to be done, and done right away.
There followed one of those magical moments when the planets line up and you birth an idea so brilliant you can hear the angels singing over-chords. That belly-button lint brush would slide perfectly between these keys! So I ripped it off of it’s display card and pressed it into service.
The last time this keyboard was this clean was when it first came out of the package. What a delight. What joy my sister gave me. Now, what was I writing?
Photo Credit
“Belly Button Lint Brush”
Keyboard Cleaner – Peg Ainsley
Too funny Peg! I’m just sitting here looking at all the dirt on my keyboard!
Thanks Carolyn. It seems it’s a common problem.
I sure need to borrow that too!!! – mine is a disaster! TOO funny.
It IS a common problem, it seems!
now that your keyboard is clean, may I borrow your little device?
I think I’ll start taking it with me wherever I go. Everybody seems to need it!