In the past I have thought that in order to take wonderful and interesting photographs, I have to go somewhere different, somewhere exotic, somewhere that isn’t here. But one thing I am learning from my ongoing photography project is that this is not the case.
Serendipity, Inspiration and Creativity
It is not coincidental that a big part of my 100 Happy Days challenge is about being grateful and giving thanks. Its not often that I find serendipity in the way I found it last Saturday, but I think being aware makes me notice the moments more rather than them just passing me by.
Staying Friends With a Spouse After Divorce
Divorce when young children are involved: one woman’s experience of staying friends with a spouse and how she did it.
What could be more of a delight than seeing these magnificent white lions living freely. We were so fortunate to see these cubs and their mother.
Excellence Versus Success
After my son’s prize giving a few weeks ago, I’m still dwelling on the topic of how schools reward excellence in their students and today I’m extending it to Universities. Do the learners / pupils / students who do not excel academically get public recognition for their efforts and merits?