Mindfulness is described as “the psychological process of bringing one’s attention to the internal experiences occurring in the present moment.” This article will tell you about the 4 ways in which mindful meditation enhanced my addiction recovery, how it complemented the treatment I received in rehab as well as the ongoing treatment that I still receive to this day.
4 Things to Understand About Drug Addiction
From brain chemistry to social behavior, addiction covers a wide range of topics. Here are 4 essential things to understand about drug and alcohol addiction.
8 Things to Keep in Mind When Married to an Addict
Marriage is a commitment – a promise to be there for your spouse through thick and thin, the good times and the bad. But being married to an addict can put even the strongest relationship to the test. Here are 8 things to keep in mind if your spouse suffers from addiction.
6 Incredible Health Benefits of Quitting Alcohol for 30 Days
Social drinking has become so common that each day we may be getting closer to alcohol dependency without noticing. We’re also hurting our bodies in more ways than we realize. So, should we give ourselves a break? Enter and see how healthier can you be if you quit alcohol for 30 days (at least).