Add this one to your bucket list folks! If you are cruising through Alaska, don’t miss flying up to a glacier and trying your hand at mushing a dog team across the glacial ice.
When Will People Learn Humidity And Cars Don’t Mix
A humid air mass settled across southern and eastern Canada in the last few weeks, yet people continue to leave pets and children unattended in cars.
Making A Difference: Jaimala & Hitesh Gupta – Vatsalya
A Life As A Human Interview: Vatsalya is an NGO, situated in Jaipur, India, which provides residential care to children in need of protection, education, nutrition and health. The needs of these disadvantaged children are served by a group of passionate and devoted people. Vatsalya strives to advance the progress of Indian society by bringing out the potential of a disadvantaged and vulnerable population of children and women.
Making A Difference: Christina Fast – Sterile Processing Education in Developing Countries (SPEDC)
A Life As A Human Interview: Christina Fast is a brave, energetic young woman who is dedicated to bettering the lives of others and is passionate about health care and caring for those in need. Her love of traveling and her love for her job took her to West Africa where she volunteered with charity Mercy Ships, joining 450 international crew members on board the World’s largest hospital ship.
As a sterile processing technician, Christina was instrumental in helping local surgeons, anesthesiologists and OR nurses understand the severity of sterilizing conditions in Guinea and Sierra Leone. Her volunteer experience inspired Christina to use her professional skills to start her own non-profit organization, Sterile Processing Education in Developing Countries (SPEDC).
The Moment
In the end it was easy beyond comprehension. After all, she didn’t really want, or need, any of the gifts of guilt. The jewels, the gowns, the trinkets would only be unpleasant memories which she no longer required. They had been for the victim, the battered wife, the martyr, the barren woman who needed to be pitied, the cleaning zealot, the trophy wife, the I, the me and the my. They were for the ego.
Making A Difference: Jane McIntosh – Mercy Ships
A Life As A Human Interview: Jane McIntosh has always had a passion for carrying out the work of transforming lives, so much so that she traded in her home on Pender Island, British Columbia for one of a different kind – the Africa Mercy, a giant hospital ship that delivers free, world-class health care services, capacity building and sustainable development to those without access in the developing world.
The Tenacity of Hope
Spending every Sunday for more than a year now with a ragtag group of Honduran children from deprived, troubled childhoods has turned out to be a surprisingly heartening experience.
Where Are Craigdarroch Castle’s Original Building Plans?
Castle Society members, volunteers, and others have been looking for the long-lost building plans for Craigdarroch Castle for decades. All of the logical public repositories have been checked. The descendants of Craigdarroch’s architects, Warren H. Williams and Arthur L. Smith, have also been contacted. They have no idea where the Castle’s plans ended up.
Wild Blue Yonder
Co-written by Life As A Human regular authors George Burden and Joseph Frey, Wild Blue Yonder captures what was for them “the experience of a lifetime” describing their experience during actual training flights in CF-18 supersonic fighter jets.
A Tale for Us All
Ruth Ozeki’s new novel, “A Tale for the Time Being”, is a brilliant modern time journey, told across a landscape of ocean waves, quantum physics, Buddhist monasteries, and portend crows.