A Life As A Human Interview: As filmmaker and writer, Patricia has a passion for large-brained megafauna – from dolphins, to primates, to elephants. Her quest to portray the interrelationships between humans and animals has led her around the globe in pursuit of the issues that threaten these relationships. She is currently working on an advocacy film to raise awareness about the plight of Asian elephants called “Elephants Never Forget.”
What Can We Do for Elephants? – UPDATE
The CITES conference opened in Bangkok on March 3 with a pledge by Thailand’s Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra to end Thailand’s domestic ivory trade. Could this be a small victory for elephants? Maybe.
What Can We Do For Elephants?
The insatiable demand for ivory in China is creating a poaching frenzy in Africa that is bringing the elephants to extinction quicker than we think. Why should we care?
A Deep Trust Emerged Between Us
Guest author John Fentress gives us a fascinating overview of his relationship with a special wolf who became his friend.
Discovering Sasquatch…the Truth is Out There
At least one reputable wildlife biologist on Vancouver Island is wiling to stake his reputation on the evidence that the sasquatch exists.
For Birgit Piskor and her friend Perry, a kayaking adventure in pursuit of gray whale sightings off the southern Baja Peninsula turns into a near-deadly encounter with two of the huge mammals.
Positive Training – Beyond The Dogs
Let’s say you have a killer whale in your backyard. You would need a big tank for sure. Actually, you would probably need more than one. After all, how are you going to clean the tank with a killer whale in it? Ok, so you have your two big tanks and your pet killer whale and it’s time to clean one of his tanks. How are you going to get a 9 ton sea mammal out of one tank and into another? If this sounds like a ridiculous problem, it’s not. Zoos and marine animal parks deal with problems like this every day.
Return To The Forest – Now Showing!
Return to the Forest, narrated by William Shatner premiers today for World Elephant Day! Watch the film on the www.worldelephantday.org home page.
A Dream For The Queen
Artist Janet Vanderhoof, inspired and deeply touched by the work of Patricia Sims and Michael Clark Filmmakers of “Return to the Forest” depicting the reintroduction of bringing the Elephants of Thailand back to the wild, felt a need to create her painting … ‘A Dream For The Queen’.
Returning Elephants To The Forest
For most of us in the Western world, the first time we would’ve seen an elephant was likely in a circus or a zoo. But what we were never told is how the elephant, a wild animal that roams the jungles and savannah of lands far away, got to be in the zoo or the circus in the first place. It’s time to return elephants to their natural role in the forest before it’s too late for the elephants and the forests. Join us on World Elephant Day August 12th to find out how.
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