I don’t know how to help the man in a hurry to shop for his holiday gifts, but I hope this article inspires at least one of you to recognize what is valuable – life.
A tribute to Paris, and the romantic metaphors that remain as a reminder of hope.
Education Cutbacks in Quebec
Classism is a form of violence, which discriminates and oppresses those living in all parts of the social strata. It is a prejudice that holds people in the lower economic echelons back and violates anyone who tries to attain the unattainable lifestyle. In other words, it erodes the self-worth of those not sharing the ideals of mainstream society.
Dear Island
She’s lost in the all and her island drum, the one that travels through her writing, begs to be heard, to give the waters back their movements. She was island, the sound and the rhythm in each stanza flowed from the need to be emerged in water, and her freedom lived in her subconscious need to live on the island she called her home, Newfoundland.
Can I Think?
When you can challenge the assumptions of your past or how it should be according to the rules of others, then you are indeed a free thinker and a free human. I’ve realized that perhaps a thinker isn’t a trained person as much as they are innately born to do so.
Nature and Me
Today, I send out these words with a series of photos of my morning kayak. Embrace the air and lakes as much as you embrace one another – get outside, wander in the forests, swim in the oceans and see the paintings provided by a greater power.
When the world’s youth asks for change, teachers are on the front lines trying to provide them with a quality education. We need to value the teachers in our society because if we don’t, we lose something bigger – hope.
A Writer’s Life
We as writers have a uniqueness of spirit, which is often misunderstood but should be embraced. A writer gives life to things others cannot.
Poverty Revolts
Riots and protests are happening for a reason – we need to listen to those ‘voices’ and seek change as an entire nation.
Enough Is Enough
A response to the continued violent existence man insists on living despite access to knowledge. We continue to exist within the cave of ignorance and only see through the eyes of our dictators who tell us what to value and what to think. We must move toward a world that seeks thought and insists that we make the ethical and religious traditions of the past matter, giving them a place in the souls of man.