As your parents age, it will be no surprise that they need more help. The difficulty for you is that you need to work out how you can help without patronizing them. You can create a hostile family environment if you misread the signs. No one like to feel powerless, and no one wants to be a burden. If you are feeling lost, then here is a little advice on where you can begin and how you can broach this sensitive topic with your parents.
Dealing with hearing loss
This can be a tricky one to identify. Hearing does get worse as you get older, and this does not necessarily mean that your parents need hearing aids. However, if you find that you are constantly repeating yourself or if they have the TV and radio on too loud then it may be that they are struggling with their hearing. Fortunately, hearing aids are a thing. The best hearing aids raise the sound of certain ranges so that your parents will be able to hear you when you communicate with them.
Show empathy
This is perhaps one of the most important things that you can do when dealing with your aging parents. They can get frustrated and moody when you try and interact with them. You will need to forgive them for this. Aging is a hard process that comes to everyone, and it is understandable that your parents will feel unpleasant and moody on some days. Getting older involves a loss of freedom, mobility, independence, and sometimes friends. Try not to respond to their frustration with frustration of your own.
Get family involved
Caring for your parents can get overwhelming. If you have a full-time life whether this is through work, kids, or education then it can become very difficult to make time to look after your parents. If you can, you should involve as much of your wider family as possible. Not only will this bring the family closer together, but it will also help take the pressure off of you. Help can come in all kinds of forms. Sometimes it is as simple as a weekly visit. Make sure to communicate with your family and ask for help when you need it.
Encourage activities
As your parent’s age, they can become isolated. They will likely be told they can no longer drive, become tired easily, and have hearing loss or eyesight loss. It can be a stressful time. Experts have stressed keeping your parents active socially and physically. Encourage them to visit friends, take part in seniors groups or visit museums and community centers. More physical activity and socialization will help to improve their mood and endurance.
Helping your parents age
This is an incredibly stressful time for you but most importantly it is stressful for your parents. Empathize with them and communicate with them. Get them involved in your strategies. This will help make everything easier as they will be on board with any transitions you need to make.
Photo Credit
Image by Sasin Tipchai from Pixabay
Guest Author Bio
John Moran
John Moran is an American who enjoys the fine art of living well. His interests include anything wine, food or nature related especially when enjoyed with friends and family.
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