She whispers now.
She whispers to me and the waves of it hit me and seem to pull all the other thoughts and whispers and screams away, like magnetized splinters into a giant super magnet.
I have that original ache through my whole back … straight through to the front. Where the scar tissue lives. It labours my breathing.
‘You’re in labour. Give birth.’
She whispers to me with Love. She is proud to be me – even in the painful and dark moments – she knows me so much better than I know myself. This makes sense. She has lived longer than I have, and has gleaned and honed finer sensibilities that my present Self has yet to understand.
My future Self has unplugged me from the game show of comparison. My future Self is real. She is not an abstract concept that only ‘masters’ can tap. She is the person we all are, right now, when we see that who we are – from start to finish – has already happened. Just a matter of perspective.
Which version shall we choose to see has ‘already happened’, the most, this time around?
She whispers to me:
‘My dear child. You are not just what you think you are right now. You are a baby because you were a baby. You are an old woman, because you will be. You are the all and nothing of the one who feels both the sword of doubt being thrust into your cells, and the woman who can make that all-penetrating, matter of fact sword transmute into an all-penetrating, energy of possibility hand of healing. You are your first and your last breath.’
Breathe in. Breathe out.
‘Remember, dear child, you might feel sure that what you are is what you experience. And for certain, what you have experienced was at one time, something you hadn’t yet perceived. This is the way of the linear time frame. But it is only one way. It sees with limited perception. You seek the One Way. With unlimited perception. All parts of now are the past and the future. This is what it means to ‘know yourself’. You are hearing me because you chose to listen. And dear child, you can be sure that you can hear me. Because right here, it is written.’
Floating in the space where x, z, and why don’t matter as matter is energy and energy is transmutable.
‘Speak with Love. To me. To you. To all of you – to every one – every version. Forge that bond now and forever. In the love of knowing that who you are is what you choose to know you are, forge yet another path to the One Path.’
‘Heal. What you are is what you already are. What has already happened is as real as what has not yet happened. It is for you to choose if you wish to become. It is for you to choose whether you wish to ridicule the possibilities – to chalk this up to delusion, grabbing at straws of hope in desperation that ‘this could be true’ – or, to choose to KNOW that this is true, because it’s happening. Right now. Always has, always will.’
‘You can choose to continue to daydream and fantasize on the timeline of ‘good enough’, where hope is just a word, or, you can choose to exist on whatever timeline serves optimal outcomes, where hope is not just your GPS, it’s the Healing Code, and the only thing that’s real.’
‘Break up the scar tissue of ‘what it, is’. The idea that the speck on the bigger picture defines you will evaporate, like a ghost in the machine. You must believe in me. Which means you must believe in yourself. You must know that breaking free from one outcome does not mean you are dismissing it as real, meaningful or unworthy of Love; precisely the opposite. It means you are becoming aligned with the all-side. The multidimensional realm of infinite possibility. Where every misstep, struggle and even dis-ease came to you to show you that you are the navigator. You can access the Healing Code. All of it.’
Breathe in. Breathe out.
Photo Credit
Photo is pixabay creative commons
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