You can learn a lot living with a dog. But Tiramisu was a special case. We raised her in a new way and we learned a great many things that we did not know were even possible. The lessons of her lifetime will stay with us for as long as we have dogs. I will be forever grateful to my greatest teacher and my dearest friend.
Archives for November 2018
Two Worlds / Two Realities
The world around us looks like the real world, but it’s full of illusions and myths – such as Santa Claus or the tooth fairy. For example, the myth that buying things will lead to happier lives.
My Experience With the D.A.R.E. Program
As someone who grew up with the D.A.R.E. program being taught in our schools I was told to “just say no”. I had the black t-shirt with the red D.A.R.E. written across it and everything.
The Hardest Three Days of My Life
In late November 1986 I was a young and very naïve 17-year-old girl. I had been dating my first serious boyfriend for a few months and we had begun discussing the idea of taking our relationship to the next level. It was now time, I had no choice but to share my secret.
Tarmac Meditations: Haiku # 15
Distant mountain peaks,
My Bohemian
When I would visit her when she lived in Ottawa, she would take me to parties – parties in restaurants. I felt like a celebrity, because for me it was only celebrities that partied in restaurants. The people at these parties were different too. They had foreign-sounding names and talked with accents – German and British.
The Centipede
The centipede always waited until I was home alone to show itself. One night I was sitting on my yoga mat on the basement floor and had a thought: What if that centipede is here somewhere? Seconds later it appeared, right on cue.
How to Take the Best Photos on a Tanzania Safari
Travel shots are particularly popular, as they capture true moments of magic when we’re overseas and exploring the four corners of the earth. Capturing the essence of these moments is an art form, however, and not one that should be taken lightly by amateurs.
7 Ways You Can Easily Save $200 Per Month
Do you ever wonder where all your money has gone at the end of the month? The truth is, most people can cut their budget at least a little if they apply the right tactics. Here are a few simple ways you could save $200 or more this month.
Tarmac Meditations: Haiku # 14
Summer, a memory.