The term “creative entrepreneur” and all the industries it now covers, continues to rapidly expand. Worlds are colliding. Uniting. Coalescing. And becoming something more.
It’s a job. It’s a calling. It’s a brand. And that’s just for starters!
How to find your voice in this vast landscape? And how to monetize your business while staying true to the creative within? The inner process that fuels the magic.
Passion. Money. Ambition. It’s all very complicated. And thrilling. And bursting with opportunity. But you don’t want to sell out. That’s important.
Perhaps the visionaries that have gone before us have something to offer? Sir Richard Branson. Massimo Bottura. J.K. Rowling. For common among them are three specific traits.
Trait #1: They Live Their Truth Without Apology
Your truth defines you. Your truth defines your work and your brand. Your process. So what is your truth? In reality, it’s many things.
Richard Branson’s belief in aspiring entrepreneurs. Massimo Bottura’s approach to Italian cuisine. J.K. Rowling’s belief in Harry. Three nonnegotiable truths held without apology.
This is who I am, says one creative legend. This is what my artisan craft is all about, says another. Their voice, their truth, their work, is unmistakable.
It stands out and it stands alone.
A core set of beliefs. The need to bring certain concepts to life. An unwavering resolve to break from convention. Such is the path to living one’s truth without apology.
And so it will be with you. In your life. In your work.
It’s the choice to truly be seen.
Trait #2: They Have Strong Personal Leadership Skills
The hustle and bustle of daily life can lead us astray. From who we are. From what we seek to accomplish. It’s the chaos. The shiny baubles. The need to decompress.
What to do? How to rise above the noise?
For creative entrepreneurs, personal leadership offers a way to be innovative without losing everything in the process. It becomes the reassuring presence that keeps you focused, effective, and on track.
Richard Branson’s legendary ability to make things happen. Massimo Bottura’s passion fueled interpretation of the Italian restaurant experience. J.K. Rowling’s steadfast discipline in the face of impossible circumstances.
Meaning, your effectiveness will need to rise to the level of your ambitions.
Peak effectiveness is how you honor your work. Your Process. The things you seek to accomplish. It says to the world, this venture is worth doing the right way. The effective way.
Which builds trust. Which establishes legitimacy.
Your brand has many components. One of the most important among them is the statement, I am a professional creative. I take my artisan craft very seriously.
You can depend on me.
Trait #3: They Are Visionary Creators
In the middle of nowhere stands a large hunk of uncut marble. And within that marble are voices. Whispers, really. The words are unclear but they’re in there, somewhere, and they long to be heard. To be seen.
Such is the workshop of a visionary creator. They specialize in uncut marble.
Sir Richard Branson did not enter the airline business, he redefined it. Massimo Bottura did not open an Italian restaurant, he redefined Italian cuisine. And J.K. Rowling did not merely publish a book. She surrendered all that she had so that Harry Potter might live on the page.
Ideas. Curiosities. Sparks. Sudden flashes of inspiration. All sprites daring you to follow them into the unknown. So perhaps you do that, you spend some time with these sprites. Nothing happens. Nothing again. And then … something.
A large slab of uncut marble appears, born from your industry but different.
The game is afoot. This is what being a creative entrepreneur is all about. And so you chisel, cut and polish for as long as it takes. Lots of highs. Lots of lows.
The excitement is palpable.
And then at a given time, on a given date, you bring your child to life. The slab of marble becomes a cause, product or service that shatters the status quo.
A moment of heartfelt reflection followed by a question.
What’s next?
Legendary Traits For Ordinary Creatives
The mind is an interesting beast.
It is capable of so much and yet can do so much harm. Such as seeding self-doubt. The kind of doubt that challenges your level of talent and capability.
Our greatest battles will always be fought within our own minds.
At issue is not your ability to become the next Richard Branson or J.K. Rowling. Your journey has nothing to do with other people, legendary or otherwise. Your journey is yours and yours alone.
Where will it take you? What new doors will you open?
As a mortal. As an ordinary creative that has things to say and do. Where might you go? And how might these three traits help you get there? Life. Art. Career. It’s always a choice.
What choices will you make?
Photo Credit
Photo by Negative Space on StockSnap
Guest Author Bio
Bob Olmstead
Bob Olmstead is an unconventional business and personal coach that specializes in helping creative entrepreneurs bring their ideas to life. As an experimental Director/Producer he has directed two short films and a play. His heartfelt podcast continues to grow and touch lives.
To learn more, visit his website: Bob Olmstead Ink
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