I think we’ve all known folks who fall under the category of ‘Everyday Heroes’. It could include family, friends or complete strangers – doing things for others.
However, I would like to expand that list to include those who carry on despite what, in the normal scheme of things, would debilitate most others.
This is marvelously illustrated in the 2014 movie, ‘The Theory of Everything’, about world-famous theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking and his fight with (ALS), or motor neuron disease, that has gradually paralyzed him over the decades – only able to communicate now though a speech-generating device.
“When I find myself in times of trouble Mother Mary comes to me
Speaking words of wisdom Let it be”
Let it be by The Beatles
And, most of us never fully understand how some people suffer from non-visible afflictions, every day.
I talked to some folks in a pain clinic waiting room – all of whom have some internal issues not normally experienced by the general population. One thirty-something woman spoke of having to “divorce” herself from the person she was in her 20’s. She said that it’s taken ten years to realize that simple fact. She had a top laboratory job as a forensic scientist and that she, and her teacher husband, had an active outdoor sports lifestyle: skiing, running, canoeing, and trips to expensive resorts in Europe.
Then she developed gall stones that just seem to materialize over night – leaving her incapacitated. Normal laser treatment to smash the stones isn’t effective and her body keeps producing them non-stop… meaning the pain is non-stop.
She said that although her friends have been supportive, they can’t possibly understand why someone who looks so “normal” can’t do the things she used to do. In fact, going out socially is something that requires special planning, as well as, good luck.
“And after it rains, there’s a rainbow
And all of the colours are black
It’s not that the colours aren’t there
It’s just imagination they lack”
My Little Town by Paul Simon
Her family and friends never see the consecutive “down” days – days whereby she finds herself confined to bed – immobile, waiting out yet more excruciating rounds of piercing pain. They can’t go far beyond their pharmaceutical tether, or their medical support team: risking certain daily deterioration of their physical condition.
They’re so finely attuned to their powerful drugs, that even a slight formulation change can aggravate their overall condition – mentally and spiritually – not wanting to talk to anyone.
And, the strange thing is, that when they’re having a “good” day, they feel guilty. Why? Because, these days are so rare – so fantastic by comparison – they feel like imposters when with others.
“Give me hope help me cope, with this heavy load
Trying to, touch and reach you with, heart and soul”
Give Me Love by George Harrison
Nietzsche said: “He who has a why to live can bear with almost any how.”
How can we be a bigger part of their “why?”
Photo Credit
Stephen Hawking – Wikimedia Public Domain
First published at Fed Parry
Guest Author Bio
Fred Parry
Fred Parry lives in Southern Ontario. He is a lover of people and a collector of stories, music, wisdom, and grandchildren. His newspaper column, Music in Me, can be found in ‘The New Hamburg Independent’ Metroland Media. His book, ‘The Music In Me’ (2013) Friesen Press is Available from Amazon and Indigo / Chapters.
Blog / Website: www.fredparry.ca
Evelyn (Jenny) Haskins says
Sorry, why could the woman not simply have has her gall bladder removed???
Worked for me — no more pain at all!
I cannot think of why anyone would want to ‘smash’ gallstones — I was told that the big ones cause no problems, it is only the small ones that get into the bile duct that cause the pain.
Fred Parry says
Ooops! My mistake… I meant kidney stones.
Thanks for noticing,
Fred P.