Why take this image and publish it? I was walking along the road that is immediately in front of and parallel to this post and I was moved to take this shot. It was hot and sunny where I was. Maybe I personalized the fog layered over the lake in the valley, or the mist rising up the side of the hill. Maybe the fractals of the waving grass caught my eye as they variously framed the countryside below. Maybe it is the sense of the post, a no nonsense image of stability, as if sentinel and transect, an anchor point on a blowy summer day on the ridge-line. Or maybe I just like images with stuff in the foreground playing with shapes in background, a cluttered line of sight with a lot of information and the sense that it will never be this way again.
So, why take this image and publish it? In the end, the post spoke to me of an intentional human presence whose purpose is implied but not known. A mystery if you will… It took me quite awhile to figure out the attraction and that made the choice to publish it more compelling than I had initially imagined.
Photo Credit
Photo by Michael Lebowitz. All rights reserved.
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