was here,
then the seagulls
flew over me, carried me away,
I was afraid to look down,
it was the way I wanted to
be, the way I wanted to be,
but a great hawk soared over me,
grabbed me from the seagull’s hold,
found me a place, a mountain somewhere,
quietly I pondered the reasons, darkness
came over me, a fear leaving me, instantly
captured in a small camera box,
peeking through the small hole,
I was aware of my existence,
watched the film show outside,
it was dramatic at times,
sitting down, the film
carried me over the screen,
I blacked out, and ended up
in the mouth of a lion,
hearing it roar over trees,
I put my hands over my ears,
it walked with me inside it for years,
prying the mouth open I finally
escaped the threat of its teeth,
I jumped out, but the air didn’t catch me,
lights, lights, lights,
laying on a hospital bed,
sheets soaked with the blood
of my womb, bleeding forward
babies, lost and unborn,
and in the corner watching
me feverish, she stood there,
a hooded sister with rosary beads,
then the seagulls reappeared and the hawk
sat at my bed side, by my feet,
hidden from everyone was the wolf waiting,
saddled in my bed, legs harnessed, reaching in
Godlessness removed my last birth,
lifting me the hawk flew me to
far away lands I’d never seen
placed me in the garden of
a widowed warrior, my night dress
reddened, her hands reddened
burying hers too,
she held my hand,
I held hers, and from
the earth came the mare,
standing next to it
I put my head near her
heart, beat,
closing my eyes I ran
with the wild horses I knew as a child,
wandering back to the camera
once again I took the picture of my
life, placed the table to one side,
sitting breaking my loaf over
oils annotated with grace,
lifted my crown growing out
of thorns and circled my
hand with coal, when finally
I returned, the world had left
me meditating above,
between the here, and now,
once again, I share a space
there, it is sanctioned,
cut off from those who
do not know the flight of body,
the hawk,
the wolf, God returned and
faith became the camera.
Photo Credit
Young Red Tailed Hawk – Wikimedia Creative Commons
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