Dedicated to my mother on Mother’s day
Some people say that a word or two
Of I love you’s can tell a mother
She is loved, but how do you truly
Thank a woman who raised
A few cards, here and there
A gift, one or two, maybe more
Maybe just a dinner, overtime more
Than a few Sunday dinners,
adding up to many
Here and there
Memories of times laughing shared
A story of resilience, perseverance,
Triumph and through it all words
To create the same in you
A mother wrapping little gifts
To fill bottoms of Christmas trees
Painting houses,
Baking bread,
Knitting love into sweaters
Making soups and stews
Left on the doorstep
To make a long day at work
Just a little easier
Long conversations about nothing
And sometimes somethings
But always listening
Always just listening
Even late in the night
When hours escape her sleep
Sometimes a word or two can say I love you
But thanking a mother
Supportive listener
Fierce protector
Seemed impossible but today through
Poetry I express my gratitude
Photo Credit
Image by Sasin Tipchai from Pixabay
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