It was cold yesterday. Winter goddam cold. The MacAss50, a fun run of various distances is in the books. A lot of locals showed up, the TrailRunner Magazine Trail Runner of the year 2012 showed up, LongRun pictures showed up. LongRun walked a bunch of miles, up and down, took a mess of shots, got some that are okay.
On the way back to the finish area LongRun, that’s me, ran a little, camera held tight, forest quiet, winter cold, clouds of breath. For a few minutes I wasn’t sixty something and overweight/under-trained, sleep deprived, anxious and filled with a sense of wariness; for a moment I was present with myself, tall and straight, runnin’ easy in the winter woods, knowin’ that everything that’s now is almost yesterday. Freedom is where you find it. I want more of it. Shit, who wouldn’t!
Photo Credits
Photos are © Michael Lebowitz – All Rights Reserved
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