When you mention trading life in the United States for a third world country you get looks of shock, amazement or sometimes pity. No one understands the need to leave. I don’t blame them, there’s plenty I don’t understand about others and that is why life works. Balance between differing passions. When I first exposed my dream to family and friends I was asked several question which I can sum up into just one – “Why can’t I get my humanitarian dosage here, at home?”
My favorite movie comes to mind: “Beyond Borders.” Of course, any human being feels gut wrenched watching it. There is this sudden surge of energy and feeling that you need to do something. It is natural to get angry, and rage about how tragedies like the ones in the movie shouldn’t happen and you wonder why more isn’t being done to stop it. Then, you go to sleep. Then, you wake up and suddenly you feel better – or have simply forgotten. You are content to go on with your jobs, friends, and lives doing nothing until you watch the next heart-tugging movie. Sound familiar? Well it should, we all do this.
The difference is, I have not forgotten what I saw in this movie or the countless other movies that are similar, nor have I forgotten the news casts and books I have read. I do not know if this is because leaving the country to help is in a very near line of sight, or because I am growing up and the realness of these tragedies are making a permanent imprint. Either way I have been changed because no longer were the answers simple.
While there are countless problems in America, there are also great non-profit and humanitarian groups on every corner doing their best to make a difference. The United States has more resources for struggling citizens than any other country in the world. Between City Year, AmeriCorps, Brothers and Sisters, Hospitals, Fire Stations, Police Stations and Churches on pretty much every corner, people here have options when they are hurting. They can take advantage of those if they so choose or they don’t have to. The point is – they have them available to help.
However, throughout the rest of the world there are thousands of children being brain-washed into war and hatred and hundreds of thousands of people who die needlessly through lack of simple education and clean water. While it is the selfless calling of many to give aid in first-world countries, it by proportion alone should be the calling of MANY MANY more to bring simple aid, education, and love to the millions who are not receiving it elsewhere. The reality of this is an inverted number, with many staying on the home front and few serving the multitude.
It is not every person’s responsibility to go out into the world. It is not everyone’s passion. There are more than enough people that do not have the pull to leave America, and that is important because not everyone can go. However, for some of us, the pull is so difficult to ignore that if we tried, parts of us might die. I cannot in good conscious hear of the tragedies in other countries and still stay in my comfortable home going on with day to day American activities.
The Bottom Line: Someone has to do it. If you can handle the difficulties that come with leaving, it makes it your responsibility.
Photo Credit
Photo of Nycole and Brett © Nycole Werkheiser – All Rights Reserved
Guest Author Bio
Nycole Werkheiser
I am a graduate from Georgia Southern University with a degree in Psychology. I use my degree daily by building relationships and trying to understand and connect to different cultures. My husband and I are professional nomads and have spent our first three years of marriage traveling and learning about the great United States. Now, we are thrilled to be on our way out of here. We have been invited to serve with the Peace Corps in West Africa and can’t wait to start this next phase of life. I write about what inspires me to become a better, more worldly person, and most of the time I take my own advice. I hope I can motivate others to do the same.
Blog / Website: bbwerkheiser.wordpress.com
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Taylor Martin says
There is so much truth in this article. Such awesome words and so excited for you guys!
Kathy Werkheiser says
Great article Brittany! Keep up the good work with your writing and blogging!
Clint Harper says
Great article! I thoroughly enjoyed this. I’m so glad you were able to express your personal convictions in a way that did not push them onto others, while also expressing a concern that many probably ignore. Thanks
Kim Patterson Palmieri says
I hear you have new and exciting plans coming your way ! I really want to go along !
Need someone to carry your bags ? or your camera ?
Nycole Werkheiser says
Haha Kim you can definitely come along! We can take four bags total so I will make sure to save one for you 🙂 Stay updated on us at bbwerkheiser.wordpress.com
Come for a visit!!
Jenni Salerno says
This is a refreshing, non-judgmental point of view. Many of those who feel the need to go overseas and make a difference sometimes forget that it takes all kinds of people to make this world go round. I, for one, am one of those who does not feel called to serve overseas but prefers to donate to those who do. Without the people to earn the money/donate the money people like you wouldn’t be able to go. I appreciate the fact that you get that.
It takes all kinds of people to make this world a better place. And there is no shortage of need for people on the front line and people in the background.
Best of luck to you and your adventures.
Nycole Werkheiser says
Thank You Jenni!
You are right about having different people with different responsibilities in this world. I have learned this over the years from all of my best friends who prefer to to be here in the States, and I have been lucky to have their support and prayers along every journey I have made.
I appreciate your comment! Take Care 🙂
John Palmieri says
Great article!
I think many ask – “Why overseas?” You addressed that and then some!
Good luck on your great adventure!
I look forward to reading more about your trip:)
Nycole Werkheiser says
Thank you for taking the time to write! It really means a lot to me!
Kimberly Palmieri says
Many people think about doing what you are doing – very few actually do it ( I’m one ). We can all put our name on a check and send it to a charity or take clothes out of the closet and donate to someone who may need them – sponsor an event with your company name and fancy dresses and food. Stopping our world for a minute – to make a difference in another persons life is a beautiful thing.
I wish at your age I had taken the steps that you are now. Life takes over and before we know it – it’s over.
We only know what WE know based on our surroundings and the life around us. You are about to not only learn, but understand first hand how much we really can help.
So very proud of you both .
Be safe – Be smart & most of all keep Being YOU ! You are making a difference in this big world !
Loved your story !
” Beyond Borders ” also one of my favorite movies !
Nycole Werkheiser says
Thank you for your comments! It’s amazing to receive encouragement in a time like this! I really do appreciate it. You know, there still is time for you too 🙂 Don’t let life get in the way! Take care! I hope you have a fantastic week Kim!