Service beneath burnt flags,
build, convince, fight,
spray gas, spray orange
on greens,
and they build, convince, fight,
when the winds shift for change
in the name of those who think they have a god given right,
little fists salute in desert sands, salute and shoot,
tanned faces in red and yellow shawls returned to their life of veiled head-dresses,
as men and women in uniforms,
build, convince, fight
while watering a society of its
traditional fires,
but, today above the whitened sky
we witness wrinkled flags in winds as
buildings torn and scattered are redeemed with
bagpipes and bugle notes,
and still we build, convince and fight.
Photo Credit
Keith Cochrane – courtesy Melinda Cochrane – All Rights Reserved
Melinda …
Thank you for sharing this with us. It is very powerful.
Your father would be very proud of you!