“Running is good for me but I don’t run to work off angst or pain. I don’t grind out miles or race to prove my worth. I don’t think pain is noble or suffering is necessary to be a better person. I am already a good person. I run as an expression of joy and freedom. Running sharpens the focus on life and intensifies the emotions. Is there any better reason to do anything?” ~ from Chi Running
Running had helped me to see, to seek the light, to see the shadows, to be more than a number on an age chart, a scale, a measuring tape…to stand on my own feet and have my life…I no longer have to confuse or explain who I am and what I do, at least not to myself and really, that is all that matters. Running this morning with Merlin, watching the stars fade and the sun rise, letting the day come as it must…the day after Atonement, a bright and beautiful beginning. Once again.
Photo Credits
Photo is © Michael Lebowitz – All Rights Reserved
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