I sat bareback, rode through
cliffs filled with wandering
red capes in dawns
calling out for my skin to become
one with it,
I rode the white mare to earthly
meanings to come up with only
dirty stones
at me
from a distance so
they pinched rather than pierced
my skin,
I asked it to be a part of something where
water and thoughts
of possessing the other relinquished
any need to be distant from it,
I ran with them to meet the winds growing
around my hair and when they stood to face the
sun, I remembered attaching my
memory to them in my sleep
where bedposts were not stabled,
They kicked dirt
allowed me one moment to know freedom,
I took off my socks
with them too,
and in the paths they filled
my heels,
One clever stallion galloped next to me, but I didn’t notice
it had two eyes facing forward,
and at the back two more looking behind as
it sought to get away from me,
it bucked and
refused to be gentled by an ivory memory of
playing in long fields of yellowed grass, it stood with the
breeze instead.
Photo Credit
Flowers and Poppies by – Chase Fotography
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