Information about two books. For adults: Creating A Masterpiece: The Arts and Climate Change Conflict, and for children – 8 to 11, Life on Planet Earth: My Story.
Addressing the COVID 19 Pandemic Using Mediation and Collaboration
Addressing the COVID 19 Pandemic using Mediation and Collaboration.
We know the rules, stay home! Practice social distancing, wash your hands frequently for at least 20 seconds. Articles write about vaccines being developed but it is noted it may take months to have them ready.
The Community Change Maker Revolution
I want to spark conversations about what we value as work, and what we collectively support financially as work. Specifically, I’m hoping to inspire more people to re-center serving and giving back in the communities we live in. And that we need to find creative ways to help each other be able to afford to serve more, as opposed to treating service, volunteering, and the like as something “extra” people do when they can. Or as something only the financially privileged are able to do.
Big Idea # 3: Peak Stuff
In 2006, Canadian musician Jane Siberry emptied her house and then sold it. She decomodified her life. In the process, she made herself a shining example of the “voluntary simplicity” movement. Her decision to shed all her possessions – including all but one of her musical instruments and for a few years even her name […]
Big Idea #2: Welcome to the Human Epoch
We humans could soon have our own epoch. We could join epochs named for ice ages and tropical periods when major families of plants, birds and animals appeared or disappeared such as dinosaurs, whales and grasses. This newly proposed Epoch even has a name – the Anthropocene, the human epoch. We have of course brought […]
Big Idea #1: I Am a Bank
Microlending isn’t new, but Kiva’s approach to it is – the non-profit organization’s on-line presence amounts to banking through crowd sourcing. My kids and I are one of over 600,000 lenders that have supplied about a quarter billion in loans in 60 countries. Kiva relies on a global network of micro lending institutions, 450 volunteers and almost 50 employees at the head office in San Francisco.
Initially, I set up our family account with Kiva as a learning tool for my kids.