Hello! Art has the ability to spark off a thought in the mind of a viewer. Let’s see how.
When you make art, there is an artistic impulse hidden in your mind. This, is unleashed through your art. When someone views your art, it, in turn, inspires them to think of something relevant to them. That is how art sparks something off within a viewer.
It is a nice feeling. As an artist, you have to train your mind to receive those vibes from a viewer. That, sets up positivity in you.
One day, I happened to have flowers at home. I dried them thoroughly, and took them to my art class, where I taught visually challenged students. We needed something the kids could feel and work with, and the flowers turned out to be a great activity. We pressed them onto some glue which I had pre-applied to paper, and my kids had a great time making designs with the petals. We also got a bit of gold foil on there. The joy of making something cute meant so much to them.
When you make art, awaken your mind to the vibes you receive from your viewers. The very thought that your work has sparked something in them is enough to up your self-confidence.
So, Art is a great way to build confidence, through practice, and over a period of time. I’d love to know what you think. I’ll see you soon.
Photo Credits
Photo is from Pinterest
Guest Author Bio
Gaurvi Joshi
Gaurvi is a B2B Blogger with her own tech blog. She taught Art to visually challenged students while still at college. She observes artists and creators in her community while engaging in visual art once in a while.
Blog / Website: New Tech
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