Pets are lovable creatures that bring love and joy to everyone who decides to take care of them and shower them with cuddles. The relationship between kids and their pets is special and comforting, bringing many benefits for the kid’s development. From learning about responsibility to helping with their social and verbal skills, pets bring harmony and happiness to the whole family. Helping with emotional intelligence and physical health as well, they can be great companions in life.
Below we’ll break down a few of the many benefits of growing up with a pet.
Help kids learn about responsibility
Walking, feeding, bathing, and picking up after them are only a few tasks your kid could do for the household pet that will encourage their sense of responsibility. For example, if you live in a place like California with nice weather and plenty of beaches around, you and your kids will have plenty of time to enjoy playing with your pet outdoors.
Just remember, you must find a suitable vet for them to be healthy so they can enjoy running around and having fun. Note that CA vet costs are among the highest in the US. So, make sure you find cheap pet insurance rates in California so you can provide good healthcare for your pet, as well as yourself. This way, kids will also learn that staying healthy is one of the most important things in life.
Kids living with a pet are healthier
When talking about health for your furry friend, note that having them around also translates into healthier kids. Children living with a pet are likely to have a stronger immune system, and a study shows that infants exposed to dogs are less likely to develop allergic disorders and asthma. Early exposure to pets is key to better health from a young age.
Also, dogs protect children who are at risk for eczema. Pet-owning kids may fend off infections like the flu or colds better than those without pets since it positively boots the maturation of their immune system during infancy. Having a pet also means having better physical health since your kids will be more active walking or playing with them regularly.
According to the CDC, 1 in 44 children in the US has been identified with ASD (autism spectrum disorder). Non-profit organizations found that therapy dogs have a great impact on the quality of life and development of kids with ASD. Some of the benefits include a sense of security, decreased anxiety and acts of aggression, increased willingness to try new things, and many more.
Also, kids diagnosed with ADHD can have great benefits from having a therapy dog. Pets help create a routine and consistency, and also provide an outlet for excess energy to help aid in hyperactivity. Therapy dogs take the stress out of new and unfamiliar social situations and help children cope with depression and isolation.
Emotional intelligence
Have you ever thought about improving your child’s emotional intelligence (EQ)? Note that owning a dog allows them to improve their emotional intelligence over time. Caring for someone else will require your little one to become a more compassionate individual. Walking or feeding them, although they have other things to do means they’re willing to practice being selfless.
Additionally, taking care of a furry friend can build a kid’s self-esteem. Filling up their pet’s food and water dish will help them feel more competent and will give them a sense of accomplishment. Children with dogs at home also have reduced levels of anxiety and stress.
Enhance social and verbal skills
Kids that have trouble expressing themselves in front of others can benefit a lot from taking care of and interacting with a pet. Pets act as building blocks for social skills especially with toddlers who have a slow-to-warm-up temperament. Even if they’re hesitant to communicate with other humans, playing and interacting with a pet can evoke expressive language.
This can also invite new vocabulary since they’ll want to learn more about animals. According to a study published in the International Journal of Environmental Research, growing up with a pet can bring emotional, social, and educational benefits to children. Although there are plenty of emotional health benefits from childhood pet ownership, helping with loneliness and self-esteem is among the most important ones.
In closing
Taking care of a living being is one of life’s greatest lessons. Not only are pets cute and fun to play with, but they also teach kids about responsibility and encourage them to be more self-confident. Interacting with pets means increased levels of oxytocin, which means dogs equal happiness. Don’t forget that teaching your child responsibility and kindness is essential for their development as human beings.
Photo Credits
Child with standing dog – Pexels
Baby with dog – Unsplash
Author Bio
Victoria Berman
Vicky is a Food & Lifestyle Blogger at AvocadoPesto, where she specializes in healthy living and cooking. She is also a world traveler and has visited over 60 countries.
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