Everyone’s ideal goal is to feel safe at home. Whether searching for a safe home in a secure neighborhood or looking for additional features to pump up the security where you live, home security is absolutely essential for everyone.
It often feels like there is so little we can do to deter criminals from targeting our homes. When we read up on the best home security system, it becomes clear that the more measures we take, the better the chances that criminals will avoid targeting us. Aside from the more obvious things, what makes criminals target our homes? Today we look at five elements that increase the risk of attracting the attention of home burglars.
Piled Up Mail
Snail mail may play next to no role in our daily lives anymore. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t affect us. Security professionals warn that leaving your mail to stack up may give burglars reason to think you are away. Even if you are going to chuck it all straight in the bin, make sure to keep your mailbox empty.
Your Trash
It should be expected that criminals are more than happy to go through your trash to get an idea of the valuables you keep in your home. It would be best to discard things like the boxes for new TVs and other appliances in your trash or better yet, recycle them. Payslips and other financial documents can also attract the attention of burglars. These should be shredded.
Social Media
This one has become one of the most warned against ways to attract criminal attention. While it is always tempting to post pics of your vacation, this is an easy indicator to burglars your home is the perfect target. Aside from vacation snaps, avoid posting to social media about being out on the town or away at a function.
Low Visibility
While a robust garden featuring lots of shrubbery and trees may be beautiful, it will also draw the attention of burglars. The easier it is to enter the premises unnoticed, the more likely burglars will target your home. Open areas and clear visibility around your home are a surprisingly good deterrent. Landscaping can be done with home security in mind.
Easy Entrance
Keep your doors and windows locked at all times. This may sound cumbersome, but one in three burglaries occur without any forced entry. Furthermore, the majority happen during the day. Keeping the entrances to your home locked will dissuade a third of burglars from targeting your home.
Extra precautions
Aside from the basics, things like a visible camera security system and motion-activated lights may also help. A great way to deter crime in a neighborhood is to start a neighborhood watch. Criminals do ‘case the joint’ and will be the first to know that the area is extra vigilant.
If you have dogs, make sure to advertise the fact. Dogs are more effective when they are kept in the home, as burglars may attempt to gauge whether your dogs are a threat, and if they deem them to be, they may try to poison them. If you keep exotic pets, such as snakes, be sure to advertise that as well.
Photo Credit
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
Guest Author Bio
John Moran
John Moran is an American who enjoys the fine art of living well. His interests include anything wine, food or nature related especially when enjoyed with friends and family.
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