Can Superman save us from the deadly pestilence of COVID 19?
The use of icons shows us what is revered or idolized by a society. Photographer, Kamal, creates photographic works that illustrate people in Montreal responding to the COVID 19 pandemic after authorities mandated that people must wear masks to protect themselves and others from the illness. The photographs show that people were complying . At one location, the image of Superman, created by artist Sandra Chevier, provided a perfect backdrop for Kamal to record a period of time which will not be forgotten.
Archaeologists indicate people reach out for a higher being or a superpower to provide security and comfort when facing situations of crisis. Seeking this comfort from divine and superpower images marks humankind’s awe of the unknown.
The icons used by people change with the time and crisis. In the 16th century artists used religious symbols such as those employed by El Greco in his ”Christ Carrying the Cross”. In 2020, the changing world has brought people a health pandemic. People are using new symbols when looking for comfort and strength against possible affliction and misery.
Kamal has captured the people and the new symbols in his photographs. The solace provided by the masks and the image of Superman shows the 21st century to be a mixture of beliefs. Western society provides messages that people can be saved by science or by a Superpower.
Will Superman be the victor?
Photo Credits
Photos are by Kamal – All Rights Reserved
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Guest Author Bio
Charalee Graydon
Charalee Graydon was born in Alberta, Canada. She is a writer, journalist, academic and past lawyer. She works in the areas mediation and collaboration and is currently a faculty member at EUCLID University.
Charalee holds degrees in Bachelor of Arts in English and Political Science, and a Juris Doctorate in Law. Following receipt of a Rhodes scholarship in 1982, she pursued legal studies in Oxford, England where she obtained a B.C. L degree. She held academic positions in England, New Zealand, and Canada and is presently a faculty member at Euclid University. She completed her Ph.D. in Mediation and Conflict Resolution in June 2020. She has also practiced law in British Columbia and Alberta, Canada.
She has published three books of literary fiction and one of which has been translated and published in Spanish.
She developed programs for students, judges, and the corporations on legal issues and published academic works in environmental law, sentencing and commercial law.
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photos and captions were great, thanks