If you have been blessed with a lot of land for a large garden and want to make the most of what you have, you’ll need to learn how to fill the entire area yet create a dynamic space.
Do you want to add some more flower beds? Do you want a veggie patch? Do you want to have some animals to roam around? Whatever it is, we have some ideas that might help you build a solid plan.
If you want to enhance your garden, take a look at the following six ideas for some inspiration!
1. Try Composting
If you already have some plants and shrubs growing and you want to maintain them, then this is something you might want to try. It’s one of the easiest projects to start. You need minimal equipment, and it allows you to cut down on food waste and create rich, organic soil that your plants will love.
Best of all, you can compost on both large and small properties. There are even methods available for indoor composting. Grab yourself a composting bin that will suit your available space and try it out today!
2. Go Vertical
As you can imagine by the name, vertical gardening means growing your plants on a tall suspended frame. Despite its sudden trendiness, the technique dates back thousands of years to ancient civilizations farming the hillsides.
This method requires structures like trellises and garden netting or twine to get started. You will also want to purchase a climbing plant – for example, honeysuckle or sweet peas.
Vertical gardening is often utilized by people in apartments, small homes, and condos but will still suit larger spaces. Pretty much anyone can create a vertical garden.
3. House Chickens
If you have the space for it, housing a few chickens is a great way to live sustainably. You’re able to gather fresh eggs, fertilize the surrounding soil, and kill sustainably and ethically for meat. Plus, chickens eat ticks, steering these small creatures away from your family.
According to Dalton Engineering Ltd, you’ll need the right equipment to build your coop. You will need plenty of time on the weekends for this project but consider it an investment.
4.Hang Patio Plants
So, what do you do if your garden space is virtually non-existent, but you want to add a pop of color or grow some veggies? Fear not, because you can still be a gardening whiz. You need to be a bit creative and use patio plants.
Patio plants are great as you can use pretty much anything as a pot – an old bucket, water butt, or even something ornate. Garden centers will sell a vast range of seeds and potted plants that will thrive, even in a planter on a patio.
5. Work with Low Maintenance Plants
If you aren’t sure how involved you want your project to be, consider planting low maintenance plants. This is a good solution if you’re going to enhance your outdoor space without all the responsibilities of, say, a vegetable garden.
A few examples of good low maintenance plants include shrubs, such as spirea, weigela, and hydrangeas. You may also want to explore perennials such as peony, geranium, and coneflowers.
6. Repurpose Materials
If you’re just getting started in the art of growing and want to save money on materials, consider repurposing. Take old or broken materials from around your home and use them in your garden.
Old sink parts could be turned into an excellent wall planter. A forgotten frame could be the perfect structure for a hanging planter. With enough creativity, the possibilities are endless. Plus, a quick Google search will reveal any number of DIY opportunities discovered by others.
No matter how much room you have, it’s important to dedicate time to filling the space with quality plants and features. A garden doesn’t just bloom in a day; put in some extra hours to this project on the weekend and you’ll soon have a beautiful garden that grows plants, veggies, and eggs!
Image Credit
Pots Image by Milada Vigerova from Pixabay
Flowers Image by cablemarder from Pixabay
Guest Author Bio
Trenton J. Smith
Trenton is an aspiring writer who loves to research and write about a wide variety of topics. When he is not writing, he enjoys gardening and long walks with his dog Boomer.
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