When you think about it logically, if a medical company can stop a disease with a medication it’s not really in their best interest.
The reason is, if a problem is completely fixed, they will not generate additional revenues. Then how can they survive and keep up their big profits?
A primary example is for a disease like GERD, sometimes called acid reflux, with common symptoms like heartburn.
Acid reflux is often treated with medication using an anti-acid to reduce stomach acid. Often doctors prescribe these tablets for this condition. In this case the tablets can and often do help, but I feel the whole process needs a little re-working.
For instance, more focus should be placed on why the problem started in the first place. Instead of simply using some medication to prevent the symptoms only. Also making sure that the patient is aware of the potential bad side effects taking tablets like PPI’s long term and perhaps even encouraging short term usage.
Part of the reason for all of this could be the financial influence of these big companies. Particularly in the acid reflux example, the companies selling these kinds of antacid tablets are making billions of dollars yearly for these medicines.
Some of the people in charge of these companies don’t want doctors to treat the root cause. Instead they want them to prescribe their tablets to the patient. Therefore, more people end up taking them longer term. This is sometimes a detriment to the patient’s health, but a massive financial gain to these drug companies who many believe is their main incentive.
That is the base premise of this article. How the business element of the medical industry can be heavily influenced by these big pharmaceutical companies.
Even in some cases you may be surprised to find out doctors are supplemented by these companies where they may being offered a financial reward for selling their products more frequently.
The question is, is it morally right? Well of course I feel most people would feel annoyed to realize this is going on but will soon realize the reason why it happens. Of course, the main reason is for the financial gain of these companies and in some cases, medical personnel who are more focused on profits than they are on the future health of the people they are sometimes supplying these products to. They would prefer you prescribe their medicine at every opportunity even when it may not be required.
This is an example of how the medical industry can be influenced by some of these pharmaceutical companies. Often, a lot of influence and funding is provided to upcoming and current medical professionals which can influence how the medical industry is shaped in the present and in the future.
Standard procedure is undoubtedly being driven by some of these companies. This could mean bigger influence on doctors and the industry as a whole.
As I mentioned, for certain conditions like acid reflux, a slight tweaking of mentality to more focus on finding remedies and techniques to address the root problem should be considered, instead of having a more prominent focus on treating symptoms alone. That would be the best approach in my honest opinion.
Of course, many medicines are helpful for short term relief but we often need to rethink what we are taking and its effect on our own health, especially if we are taking any medicine long term.
Photo Credit
Tums – pixabay creative commons
Guest Author Bio
David Gray
Over 3 years, David struggled before finally realizing that he actually had LPR. He was never directly diagnosed with LPR by a doctor but from his own research! After countless hours of research and from his own experience, David was able to get his LPR under control. He now runs his own blog at WipeoutReflux where he shares advice and information for people suffering with that same problem.
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