When I was in high school I wanted to be an artist, but on the first day of ninth grade when the art teacher told us what would be required in order to pass her class, I dropped out. The same thing happened in college. Fear held me back.
It wasn’t until I was in my mid-forties during the Y2K Scare, I took action. I thought, if the world was going to end, I, at least, wanted to take a watercolor class before it did. That greater fear prompted me to enroll in a ten week, continuing education, beginning watercolor class at a local community college. I’ve kept painting and never looked back.
Twenty years have passed since that beginning class. I consider an encouraging teacher and a commitment to practice as two of the main components to my progress. But, by far, the greatest contributing factor to my becoming an artist, has been having a spirit of experimentation and play.
One of my favorite quotes is:
“It’s a happy talent to know how to play.” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
I love the association of “talent” and “play” being used together.
Because of a spirit of play, I developed a unique way of creating texture in watercolor using a primary triad and later became the originator of Alcohol Ink Dreamscaping. Both techniques use very little brush work and are simple, easy and fun.
If you feel like I did, I encourage you to explore online classes and art books. Begin with a spirit of play. Delight in mingling colors and interesting edges. Turn off that, “inner critic,” and get lost in the process of creative discovery.
“Every child is an artist, the problem is staying an artist once you grow up.” ~ Pablo Picasso
Enjoy the journey.
Image Credits
All Images Are © June Rollins
Guest Artist Bio
June Rollins
June Rollins is an artist, art instructor and author of “Alcohol Ink Dreamscaping Quick Reference Guide,” available on Amazon. She is currently working on her first novel, “She Lost Her Muse.”
Blog / Website: June Rollins Art
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