I have handmade 101 clay pots with the faces of different poets from around the world on them. I am leaving the pots, along with poems by those poets around the city for people to discover, read, and take home with them. In the past, I have done lots of street poetry projects featuring my own poetry, but this time, I wanted to highlight some of the poets that I love and have inspired me to read, write and look at the world in different ways.
I hope that the people who discover the poet pots will be equally inspired by the words of these poets, and be filled with a sense of mystery and magic. I am always trying to find ways to promote poetry, and this is just the latest idea I have come up with.
Here is a short video of the ongoing project. I hope you enjoy it!
Photo Credits
All photos by Andy Knowlton – All Rights Reserved
Guest Artist Bio
Andy Knowlton
I was born in Paris, France, spent my teens in the United States and currently live in a city called Daegu in South Korea, where for the last ten years, I have created interactive and public art projects, often with the goal of promoting poetry. Most of the art I make, I leave on the streets for people to find and keep. My hope is that when my art is discovered by unsuspecting people, they will be filled with a sense of beauty and mystery, which is how I feel when I read a great poem, or experience something poetic in my daily life.
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