We all experience some form of anxiety.
Perhaps this is the result of our modern society. One which bombards us with information to the point of overload. Or perhaps it’s a better understanding of our psychology and reporting on these matters.
Whatever it may be – we’re all trying to find our way toward peace and tranquility.
We all have our reasons for this quest. For me, it’s a matter of overcoming the anxiety that’s preventing me from moving forward with my goals. For others, it could call for a disconnect from the world which no longer provides satisfaction. There are no bad choices.
There are, however, positive and negative ways to reach these outcomes.
A turn toward an external stimulant (i.e. addictions) resets the milestones. It dulls the senses and prevents you from achieving self-satisfaction. Before long it’s a vicious cycle which eats at the mind, body, and soul of the individual. Their quest for peace and tranquility is destined for failure.
There are those that find their place through a higher power.
James River Church is one such example of finding a congregation that provides support and guidance to larger-than-life goals. For practitioners of faith, this setting grants the insight and understanding of the actions needed to lead a better life. The belief in a higher power submits the individual to divine rule; for some, this is what’s needed to set their path straight.
There are those that find their place through meditation.
The Eastern practice to reach a higher plane of existence has found its way to the West. The mix of yoga, meditation, and a healthy lifestyle aligns the body and mind. Physical well-being generates the energy to pursue positive thoughts and goals developed by clear intentions. Intentions become intrinsic and help shed the mortal coils that evoke a stuttering in accomplishing a purpose.
There are those that find their place through nature.
As Paulo Coelho said, “I have seen many storms in my life. Most storms have caught me by surprise, so I had to learn very quickly to look further and understand that I am not capable of controlling the weather, to exercise the art of patience and to respect the fury of nature.”
A departure from our interconnected, breakneck society is suggested for those close to reaching a mental breaking point. Our intention to use technology as a tool has turned it into a prison. We have allowed technology to cause havoc on our mental well-being. Nature, coincidentally, is the solution for some.
We’re born with socialistic tendencies yet want to isolate ourselves from others.
There are very real psychological conflicts we face daily. To completely disconnect from our responsibilities is immature and detrimental to our personal growth. We must learn to face our fears and conquer our problems. To learn when to retreat to recharge and come back with vigor.
It doesn’t matter how you reach peace and tranquility:
- Escape into a good book
- Consume your time with art
- Challenge yourself through business
- Drop out and follow a leader
This is the life we take as humans. There are no wrong decisions – only ones which aren’t accepted by others. Yet, is this not the reason we race toward the outlets? To find our place in this world and not to satisfy the expectations of others?
I hope you find and stick to the path that makes sense for you.
Photo Credits
Photo is pixabay public domain
Contributing Author Bio
Ashley Andrews
Ashley Andrews is an entrepreneur and blogger. She now lives in San Diego, CA and is happily self employed. She enjoys writing about anything that catches her interest, especially tech and entrepreneurship.
Mark Cvetkovski says
Great article, Ashley! Thank you for sharing these tips; it’s common perception of the world that we shouldn’t stop and smell the flowers. Your articles proves otherwise how important that can be.