Is beauty about colors, shapes, proportions, style or is it more than this? A fancy clock that is hung on the wall of an elegant hall may catch your eyes for a moment, but if you realize that it is not working, you will pay no more attention to it. This means that function plays an important role, but is that all? Imagine if this very fancy clock worked well but is hung in a cave and covered in dust, you probably wouldn’t even notice its existence; maybe this implies that a tidy, clean and luxurious environment overrides functionality.
However, some artists may disagree, as they probably like to paint humble places, where poor and tired faces linger, children with bare feet play on the road, and everything is dirty and messy, yet artists are motivated by this modest scene to stroke their brush over their canvas and sketch inspiring paintings out of this chaos and disorder. If you ask them: “What motivated you to depict such a place?” they would tell you: “there is something real about it”. Perhaps this shows that sincerity overrides all. It is exemplified in the care shown in the eyes of a mother and the warmth of her hug. Her love is beautiful because it is unconditional and genuine. Smiles and tears move us only if they are real. That is why the laughter of a baby is warmly received as it comes deep from the bottom of its pure and innocent heart. Indeed, sincerity must come from a living being, as the dead are not capable of being deceitful or sincere. Certainly, a handmade carpet is much more appreciated than one which is machine made. Beauty can be found in any form of life.
If butterflies, peacocks, flying birds, flocking fish, and beautiful girls are dead they instantly become ugly. A dead flower, although it keeps its lovely scent for a while, quickly loses its beauty. But is beauty limited to living beings? You can find beauty in the structure of an atom, in the fabulous architecture of a building, the magnificent urban planning of a city… etc. This raises skepticism about their lack of life, for they must have something alive in them. I assume that this is the touch of a living designer who created them, in other words the designer’s intention.
Does our perception of beauty lie in our appreciation of beauty or our appreciation of the designer’s art?
Certainly, you will be fascinated by watching the synchronization of the dancers’ movement in a live performance as they hit their feet on the stage rhythmically in an orderly fashion. Have you ever asked yourself what is so beautiful about live performances? Is it because it just looks great or because you know that it is the fruit of huge time and effort exerted including months of rehearsals, team work, training, desire, persistence and hard work?
Have you ever asked yourself why when watching a soccer game, the goal that is achieved with skill and talent is better received and appreciated than one achieved by mere luck or chance?
Intention is the greatest key to beauty, for it gives meaning and life to every aspect including colors, shapes, proportions, style and function. When you know that things are meant to be designed like this, this makes them really beautiful, especially when you realize that beauty is intended for you!
Photo Credits
Photos by Salma Hassaballa
Guest Author Bio
Salma Hassaballa
Salma Hassaballa is an independent filmmaker; she mainly writes her scripts and puts in her initial music and lyrics. She also writes different genres of books and she is a member of the Arab Writers Union.
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