City in Holland – Ink and Watercolour on paper, 60x80cm, 2015
City in Holland shows an imagery though realistic impression of a city that could have existed somewhere in Holland. Most buildings and street/canal layout are based on Amsterdam but other cities also provided some inspiration.

Manhattan Sunlight – Ink and Watercolour on paper, 56x45cm, 2014
Drawn from memory, an impression of the Broadway Madison square area on Manhattan. The fanciful 19th century architecture and abstract play of light and shade caught my imagination and resulted in this drawing.
This drawing attempts to capture the excitement and ancient character of Naples, one Italy’s oldest cities.
Image Credits
All Images Are © Stefan Bleekrode
Stefan Bleekrode Artist Bio
Stefan Bleekrode (1986), a self taught artist who works and lives in Holland but travels far and wide in search of inspiration for his drawings and paintings. A brief trip to Paris at the age of ten encouraged him to actually express his fascination with architecture in small pencil drawings which over the years became half year exercises in patience and craftsmanship. After several successful shows in Switzerland & Holland he teamed up in 2014 with one of Hollands top gallerists. See this link: http://www.kunstexpert.com/
Blog / Website: Stefan Bleekrode
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