Large, bold, luscious paintings. It’s definitely not for everybody, but what art is?
Image Credits
All Images Are © Todd Monk
Todd Monk Artist Bio

Todd Monk
Todd Monk is an emerging visual artist who is pursuing lifelong creative interests. His visions are executed as methodically slathered, vibrant acrylic spectrums that explode with colour and ooze with sensuality and luscious style.
Growing up in midwestern Ontario, art was always something that came very naturally to Todd and he considers himself mostly self-educated in the ways of fine art. He completed college for illustration and Design then headed for Toronto with no real goal to become an artist but painted in his spare time to decorate his condo. In 2009 sold a painting off of the wall of his condo, discovered that he was on to something and hasn’t looked back.
Website: Todd Monk Art
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