In part three of this series Kyle Albert takes a look at a car that can read your mind.
Car for the thinkers
Video courtesy of appirion
AutoNOMOS scientists from the Freie Universitӓt Berlin have invented a car that can be driven by thoughts alone. A computer that the driver can access by using a specialized headset with electroencephalogram (EEG) sensors mainly controls the vehicle. In the test the driver only has to think “accelerate,” “turn left”, “turn right” or “stop” and the computer responds to the thought commands. The only downside to this invention according to Raύl Rojas, head of the project, is while it’s easy to control a car, you can’t control the movements of pedestrians and how they think.
Learn more in part one of the series about a mind controlled helicopter and part two where human prostheses respond to thoughts and touch.
Guest Author Bio
Kyle Albert
Kyle Albert is always interested in tablets, the latest trends, start-up businesses, fashion and design. He is also a keen social media user. He loves to share and write about technology, how it can help people in their daily lives, aid in personal development and make things easier for kids, adults and people in every walk of life. Kyle recently joined Techie Doodlers (an up-and-coming tech blog) as a regular contributor as well. Be sure you check out his writing there as well.
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[…] Mind Controlled Devices – Part 3 […]