I am learning to be gentle. Quite a journey for this strong black woman. I was gentle with babies and children, perhaps puppies. Adults were another matter. We should know better, we should get over it, we should toughen up and take control of ourselves and our situations. I was just as tough (or tougher) on myself. “Okay, Susan, stop whining and just get it done”. (I can just hear Dr. Phil asking, “and how’s that working out for you?”)
And though, recognizing this about myself, I had begun to affirm “I am kind and caring and gentle” on a daily basis, I did not do so with the intention of treating myself in this manner. I wanted to think of and treat others with more kindness and gentleness.
Here’s what I am coming to understand: though treating others this way is a laudable goal, it is not enough. To progress to the next phase of my journey, I must learn to extend this same gentle touch to myself. To speak to and handle myself with love. This is anathema to my tough, do what I need to do Black woman spirit, but necessary to my journey of becoming more fully who I am.
I am learning to be gentle with myself.
Life can be challenging, and we, divine spirits on this human journey, often struggle to make our way. Instead of beating myself up for my frailties and beating back my fears, I am learning to honor this journey of growth. To be gentle with myself as I travel this path. Sometimes stumbling and crawling, every now and then dancing, once in a while soaring. Until that time when I soar more than stumble, celebrate more than commiserate, dance more than falter.
I love this journey.
Photo Credit
The Microsoft Office Clip Art Collection
First Posted At Journey of a Grown up Black Woman
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