Today let’s talk about the color purple.
One of my favorite lines is from that movie and says, roughly,
“I think God gets ticked off if we don’t see the color purple.”
That statement had a profound impact on me at the time, and resonates with me still. I sometimes get so wrapped up in the big events of my world that I forget to stop and appreciate the seemingly small but very significant things that surround me on a daily basis. Every day I set out seeds for the small birds who congregate around my porch, waiting for me to come feed them. It is a joy to watch those small and remarkable animals, and one of my simple daily pleasures. If I’m too busy to see the color purple in that beautiful flower, then darn it, I’m just too busy, and I may need to slow down for a minute.
Have you ever forgotten to stop and appreciate your world?
Photo Credit
The Microsoft Office Clip Art Collection
Dan L. Hays offers encouragement for adult children of alcoholics.
The podcasts of these episodes can be found at: Minute to Freedom
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