Today let’s talk about peripheral vision.
Have you ever been trying to work through a problem and you’ve looked at it so intently,
that you almost can’t see it any more, and are no closer to solving it?
Being super analytical, I did that a lot. Yet I heard someone say one time about hunting, that you can’t spot the deer as easily if you’re looking directly at a treeline. If you turn to the side and let your peripheral vision work, it will pick up movement more easily, and help you spot what you’re looking for. I’ve had to learn not to over-think things I’m struggling with. If I let my peripheral vision work on a problem I’m dealing with, I get to relax more in my daily life. It’s been my experience that I will suddenly see my answer with a lot less fretting and worry.
Have you ever looked so hard at a problem, you can’t see it any more?
Photo Credit
“Glance” by AlphaTangoBravo/Adam Baker @ Creative Commons – Some rights reserved.
Dan L. Hays offers encouragement for adult children of alcoholics.
The podcasts of these episodes can be found at: Minute to Freedom
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