Today let’s talk about low self esteem.
Have friends ever told you to give yourself a break?
Did it ever seem like you didn’t think much of yourself? I had that experience a lot, where someone would try to compliment me or say something nice about me, and I would find a reason not to believe them. I had friends tell me later that it was like I didn’t hear what they were saying. One woman even said she felt like shaking me when I couldn’t see what a nice guy I was. Growing up in an alcoholic family, I learned that I was not a very worthwhile person, and carried that belief into adulthood. I couldn’t own my true self. As I learned to overcome those old messages, it gave me the freedom to see myself more realistically, and find out I was really a pretty good guy!
Has it ever felt like you have a low opinion of yourself?
Photo Credit
“day 22” by Holly @ – Creative Commons – Some rights reserved
Dan L. Hays offers encouragement for adult children of alcoholics.
The podcasts of these episodes can be found at: Minute to Freedom
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