Today let’s talk about releasing anger, but not hurting others with it.
Have you ever felt like you had to hold on tightly because
if you let your anger surface, it would just explode?
I was like that in my mid ‘30s. It was affecting my health, and I finally had to face how angry I was. I had a mentor who encouraged me to release the anger in safe ways that wouldn’t harm others – by kicking a cardboard box, yelling in the car to a Van Halen tape. I even worked out at a boxing gym for a while, hitting a heavy bag. I kept releasing the anger I had carried from growing up in an alcoholic family, a little at a time, until I no longer walked around with a clenched jaw, I could quit smoking, and sensed a whole new level of freedom in my world.
Have you ever experienced an explosive level of anger?
Photo Credit
The Microsoft Office Clip Art Collection
Dan L. Hays offers encouragement for adult children of alcoholics.
The podcasts of these episodes can be found at: Minute to Freedom
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