Today let’s talk about excitement.
Have you ever felt like you needed thrills to keep your adrenalin pumping?
Actually needed the rush? In my early ‘30s, I was into a lot of thrill seeking behavior – scuba diving really deep, snow skiing on the edge of out of control. I remember one time skiing so fast I sensed I had to stay on my skis or have a devastating injury! Fortunately I didn’t crash. But that need for a rush even flavored my relationships. Seeing the turbulent time I was having with a girlfriend, a friend told me “Dan, you don’t have to fight to have a good relationship.” It took a long time to connect that need for excitement to growing up with the unpredictability of an alcoholic household. Learning to be more calm and not seek that rush made my life much more peaceful and manageable.
Has it ever felt like you were a thrill seeker to get the adrenalin rush?
Photo Credit
The Microsoft Office Clip Art Collection
Dan L. Hays offers encouragement for adult children of alcoholics.
The podcasts of these episodes can be found at: Minute to Freedom
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