Today let’s talk about truth.
Have you ever found it difficult to face up to the truth about what is going on in your world?
My time to confront that truth happened when I went on a ski trip to Utah with some of my closest friends. It should have been a beautiful time, but I was withdrawn and miserable, and not sure why. I had to face up to the truth that there was something really wrong with my life, and it was something I couldn’t fix by force of will. I couldn’t just wake up one day and change my ways, because my behaviors were too ingrained into my being. I love the saying “You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.” Being able to admit that my behaviors came from growing up in an alcoholic family gave me tremendous freedom to do something about it.
Have you ever had trouble looking at your world realistically?
Photo Credit
“Mirror Mirror” by antkriz @ Creative Commons. Some rights reserved.
Dan L. Hays offers encouragement for adult children of alcoholics.
The podcasts of these episodes can be found at: Minute to Freedom
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