I would massage rosehip oil
into your scars
Mother, you would not hide your breasts
oozing and clamped
I would take that scalpel
and cut, cut, slice and
long thread and needle
suture your wound
washing the area, I would massage rosa mosqueta
twice daily
after the stitches were removed
Photo Credit
Rosa Rubiginosa – Wikipedia Creative Commons
First Published in Black Grass, second poetry collection by Ilona Martonfi (Broken Rules Press, 2012)
Guest Author Bio
Ilona Martonfi
Ilona Martonfi Author of two poetry books, Blue Poppy, (Coracle Press, 2009.) Black Grass, (Broken Rules Press 2012). Published in Vallum, Accenti, The Fiddlehead, Serai. Founder/producer of The Yellow Door and Visual Arts Centre Readings, co-founder of Lovers and Others. QWF 2010 Community Award.
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