There is a price to be paid when you run to the edge of pleasure. Guest Author, Drew Sager, shares the wisdom he has gained from his experiences, speaking out with compassion to those who have yet to find their way back.
Its a long way back from the edges of life. I knew when I followed that path, way out to the edge of my experience, my emotions raw and excited with newness of knowledge and feeling, that the price for this wonder would be…the journey back. Its so beautiful on the way out to that edge. My soul so easily amazed by pleasures which offer no sure guidance, pleasures which deceive with their passion. This excitement is the elixir of madness offered by my wayward senses to lure me beyond the wise and sure. Looking at my experiences, I recognize the most painful ones are the ones that had extreme pleasure to accompany my journey away from wisdom. There are many secrets out on that cliff of life. Many of these secrets are taught on the journey back from that precipice. Run to that edge with reckless abandon, gather your pleasures of knowledge and lust, and know, a price will be paid. I’ll see you on our way back…
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Photo courtesy of Drew Sager
Guest Author Bio
Drew Sager
I think and think and 99 times I’m wrong. But on the 100th time, I’m right. – Einstein
I blog, play guitar, body surf, ride a Harley, and occasionally go to church. Oh, and I live in Hawaii!
I’m an apologist and an apostate. I’ve been knocked down, way down, and fought my way back up, way up. I’ve been an advocate of peace and a destroyer of the same, in a word, I am dichotomy.
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[…] published in Life As A Human Magazine Also published in Broowaha citizen newspaper Also listed on […]