Michael Lebowitz shares the journey that brought him home and the promises he made to himself at the beginning of 2011.
Under the heading of “I’ll show you mine if you show me yours,” what are your New Year’s resolutions for 2011 for the runners in the crowd, the writers, and the peeps with dreams and schemes and other such that might bring them closer to the light in which they believe?
Post them or keep them to yourself BUT all the best of everything and may this year be a year in which you get closer to to the light of that in which you believe for you and those you love.
Here are mine:
- turn 65 years old
- lose 65 lbs
- run a 65 mile run in my 65th year
- make a plan, follow the plan consistently, listen to the coaches
- get to the start line of every event
- keep a consistent journal of the journey: pretraining, training, and running.
- write the book, take the pictures
- Remember, everyday, to be grateful for the gift of being alive and to express it…
- in an act of kindness for which no thank you is needed.
- take a step, take another step, breathe, repeat.12/31-part 2
comin’ 2011
eyes open, not sleepin’, listening to the wind, to the beating of my heart:
Came home to America nearly 10 years ago. When it got hard to stay clean where I was, I hunkered down and weathered the storms. I had a lot of help from my friends. My journey was only half begun, despite whatever the chronological clock may say. Fixin’ to begin again, I put in my time, paid the price of my waiting, finally moved back to this place of big weather and ancient trees. If you don’t start the race, you don’t run it; let your reach, your dreams you might say, exceed your grasp “…else what is a heaven for?” said the poet. Take as it comes, do the best with what you’ve got, breath in and out, repeat. Believe in love and kindness, stay steady and keep on keepin’ on …and so it went until I opened my eyes on a new morning in a new year. Time to light out and look all around.
Photo Credit
“Genesis…A New Day.” Flickr Creative Commons. ©All rights reserved by ~ SaxMan ~
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