“Thriving” stops pushing back against the word God and opens her heart to the divine.
One day I was in a session with my healer, my fabulous shaman, and she told me she was going to speak to me from God. My initial reaction was to push back. I didn’t want to hear anything “God” had to say. But then, as she began to speak, I knew I needed to listen. Something deep inside of me resonated with what I was being told. It was as though someone were listening to my deepest self, mirroring back to me with thoughts, desires, fears and questions that ran through my heart and soul.
She told me about aspects of my life that were only known to me. As “God” she spoke of many, many things that she could not logically know — things that only a higher power or spirit could know or someone living inside my body and spirit with me. Which, in fact, was absolutely the case.
As I opened my heart and listened, I felt the distinct feeling of coming home. That’s the best way I can describe it – that feeling you get when you walk through the door to home for the first time in months or years. That’s what it felt like when I opened my heart and listened to God again.
All of my life I’ve been searching for something that was missing inside me. For years I thought it was a partner, someone who would love me the way I so want to love another. Then, after all of the memories of my childhood returned, I decided it was myself I was missing. Even as I healed and came closer and closer to myself, something was still missing.
That something was God. Not God in the sense of a powerful Almighty being that judges us – not God in the way my little girl was taught about God. The God who is in my life today is my Universe, my Source, Buddha, Allah, All That Is, Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
The word or the name doesn’t matter. What mattered was for me to stop pushing against that silly word, for me to step up and embrace the love that was offered to me by my ultimate Father and Mother, my God.
Once I released that push against “God” my healing accelerated beyond belief. I still do the same meditations every day, following my same spiritual path only now, God, the Universe, Source, Angels and Spirits are actively engaged with me every single moment of my day.
And I am more empowered than ever before in my life to walk the path that is my divine purpose.
Photo Credit
“But I like the way it feels to have a melting heart” Chapendra @ Flickr.com. Creative Commons. Some Rights Reserved.
I would love to feel like that.
It has been one of the most amazing experiences of my life. I can’t begin to describe it in words, although as you can see I am trying.
I found my path back to home, to Source, to God…..forget the word, I found the warmth and love and support. And every day – I see my signs of that in my life. I’ll write more about it as we go forward – but I can tell you, it is a BLESSING beyond anything I’ve ever experienced.
Luv n light to you.