Say what? Banff is a National Park and protected isn’t it?
Yes it most assuredly is – however the Gold I speak of are the Larch trees. They render in a gorgeous golden yellow orange hue come Fall in the alpine of Banff National Park . Arguably the most sought location in Banff National Park, Larch Valley has a wondrous stand of Larch Trees to see, feel and smell. They literally glow in the light.
Larch Valley is such a stunning part of the landscape. That is because of where it sits, overlooked by the Wenkchemna Peaks and Glacier – also know as the Valley of the 10 Peaks.
On a grey and cloudy day, the sun obscured and intermittent – the larches can still give of a glow when sunlight falls on them.
Photo Credits
All Photographs Are © Ron Hallam
Ron Hallam Photographer Bio
Hi, my name is Ron Hallam. I am truly blessed to be able to live in and work in this stunning location; Banff, Alberta. I closed in and renovated the deck of my condo to be an editing studio. The studio is paneled in Alberta cedar. The main part of the ‘studio’, though, is the Banff National Park and the Canadian Rockies! I chose the name Gita Photos because G.I.T.A. is an acronym for God Is The Artist. No view of the mountains is ever the same – changes in light, perspective, time, weather. I want to engage you to feel and share the experience of unadulterated and uncomplicated moments of beauty to awaken your awe and inner child.
Website: Gita Photos – Blog and Musings
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