One sure sign Spring is coming is the arrival of the iconic Canada Geese. They gather by the Lakes and waterways, trumpeting their arrival and calling for Spring.
This year, the experts said Spring would arrive at 10:30 on the night of March 19th. This shot is Sunrise the next morning – the 1st day of Spring in Banff and the Rockies.
The sunrises continued and the Bow Valley was treated with a Spring look as the ice receded.
Photo Credits
All Photographs Are © Ron Hallam
Ron Hallam Photographer Bio I live in Banff, Alberta, Canada- National Park, World Heritage Site and (luckily) my home!
What an opportunity this affords me! My creative outlet -being Landscape Photography- makes Banff a veritable, never ending source of subject matter. Thank you for browsing my website, and, I hope you will find some images that catch your eye and grab your emotions. * see notes at bottom!
Gita is an Acronym:
Being in the midst of this place I get to capture the incredible mixture of light and natural environment subject matter that Banff National Park provides. I readily admit:I am spoiled. With Banff National Park as my back yard, I just leave my house and walk, ski or ride to the wilderness in minutes! The wonders of this place, from a simple day’s walk to extended trips, provide a Landscape Fine Art Photographer a never ending, always intriguing and deeply engaging array of subject matter: light, mood and moments to create, then express “that moment captured from an infinity of other possible sights”. (John Berger, Art Critic and Poet).
Website: Gita Photos
Follow Ron Hallam on: Twitter | Facebook | Linkedin
Love your amazing photos, they capture the exquisite beauty of the place you call home! Although we had previously traveled by car through the Rockies, cycling through them, as we made our way across Canada, was by far – one of the most magical experiences we had. Thank you for sharing your art and your passion – your photos are gorgeous!