It evokes emotion like no other … Winter.
Some Love it, some Hate it and some Tolerate it! It is one of the four seasons but is singular in how it is received. Some say Canada has 2 seasons – Road Construction season and Winter! In Banff National Park Winter has a surplus of those who Love it. Skiers, snowboarders, sliders and skaters, ice climbers, snow shoers and Landscape Photographers.
A sunrise morning in January can be a spectacle to enjoy. Landscapes are lit up with the morning fiery January sky. You can enjoy it as long as the hands and feet hold out! If you can stand in the sun as it wakens up the Landscape, it is more enjoyable still. ( If not, best have hot shots and Electric socks ) Listen and watch as the snow covered trees come to attention with the sun. When the fiery sky is gone -then you go for a coffee by the fire!

Get out for a look around on those Bitter Cold Days ( best when the sun gets as high as it will) then enjoy a sit by the fire…. © Ron Hallam
Yes, , in Banff National Park in January – it can get very cold ( especially in the High Alpine) BUT – it also has a crackling blue sky and marvelous sun rays coming in over the tree tops. The Landscapes seems to have a buzz going through them and the snow is so white it hurts the eyes if you aren’t wearing sunglasses!

Go for a Walk and look at the way the Snow changes and decorates the Landscape and remember that when you have to shovel! © Ron Hallam
For sure, having to shovel snow, loads of it, on a morning you want to get going can be tedious. But, that same snow transforms the Landscape and renders undisturbed pathways into a silky beckoning trail. If the wind cooperates the trees are loaded with snow and take on a special personality and , just as they are, would be a stunning Christmas Tree – no lights or ornaments needed.
Photo Credits
All Photographs Are © Ron Hallam
Ron Hallam Photographer Bio I live in Banff – a National Park, World Heritage Site and fortunately my home! And what an opportunity this affords one. My creative outlet being Landscape Photography , makes Banff a veritable , never ending source of subject matter. Being in the midst of this place I get to go out and capture the incredible mixture of light and natural environment subject matter this place provides. I readily admit I am spoiled, with Banff National Park as my back yard, I just leave my house and walk, ski or ride into this wilderness in barely minutes! The wonders of this place, from a simple days walk to extended trips, provide a Landscape Photographer a never ending, always intriguing and deeply engaging array of subject matter, light , mood and moments to create , then express and hopefully engage the viewer with “that moment captured from an infinity of other possible sights”.( John Berger, Art Critic and Poet).
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